Field Study Practice Visit and Sharing Session at State University of Malang

On Thursday, June 27, 2024, the Social Science Education S1 Study Program of FKIP ULM conducted a comparative study with the Social Science Education S1 Study Program of the State University of Malang as part of the Field Work Practice Program. The theme of the visit and exchange session at Malang State University was “Social Science Education Curriculum, Merdeka Belajar – Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) Program, and Student Service Facilities and Infrastructure”.

The activity was opened by Syamsul Bachri, S.Si M.Sc, Ph.d as Deputy Dean III of the State University of Malang. “We are very open to the FKIP ULM Social Science Education S1 Study Program by holding a visit to the Malang State University Social Science Education S1 Study Program, where this activity can share experiences from both Lambung Mangkurat University and Malang State University – he said.

For lecture facilities and infrastructure in Social Science Education at Malang State University, we already have a laboratory for student facilities to conduct lectures as teaching materials such as sophisticated cameras and much more in it, besides that we also have a natural laboratory, when there is a field practice I invite students to go down to the field directly to be able to learn first hand. said – Bayu Kurniawan, M.Pd as the coordinator of Social Science Education S1 Study Program at Malang State University.

In the Sharing Session activity, the Coordinator of FKIP ULM Social Science Education S1 Study Program also became a speaker by explaining about learning strategies to PPG Social Science Education students at State University of Malang, the participants really listened and gained a lot of knowledge about learning strategies.

As the coordinator of Social Science Education S1 Study Program at the State University of Malang said, “We are very happy that our friends from the Field Work Practice Program from S1 Social Science Education ULM and we hope that apart from this class, later in the field they