Field Study Practice Visit and Sharing Session at Surabaya State University

On Thursday, June 27, 2024, the Social Science Education Study Program of FKIP ULM held a Sharing Session at Surabaya State University as part of the Field Work Practice Program. This event aims to explore the theme “Exploration, Collaborative, Building New Opportunities Through Knowledge, Experience, and Insight”. In this session, FETT ULM Social Science education students were divided into two groups to present presentations on two themes, namely, SUSUBAN (Susur Sungai Banjarmasin) and Sasirangan Village.

The SUSUBAN (Susur Sungai Banjarmasin) theme invites students to explore the river as part of the life of the people of Banjarmasin. Through this activity, they not only deepened their knowledge about the rich culture and ecosystem of the river, but also learned about the positive impact of collaboration between academics and local communities in preserving the environment. Meanwhile, the presentation on Sasirangan Village highlighted creativity in the traditional textile industry in South Kalimantan. Students explored the process of making sasirangan fabric as well as the role of the village as a center for local cultural and economic development.

This activity provides a valuable opportunity for ULM Social Science Education students to experience first-hand the implementation of theories learned in class into a real context. In addition, we can also hone our ability to collaborate and communicate in different environments.

Students of the Social Science Education Study Program of Surabaya State University responded to the Field Work Practice activities held by the Social Science Education Study Program of FKIP ULM with enthusiasm and deep appreciation. They emphasized that it provided invaluable practical experience, allowing them to learn directly from field situations.