Socialization of the Application of Social Science Learning Media based on Local Wisdom with Android Applications for Social Science Teachers in Banjarmasin City

Banjarmasin, the Social Sciences Education (IPS) Undergraduate Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP), Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) held a community service activity in the form of Socialization of the Application of Local Wisdom-Based IPS Learning Media with Android Applications for Junior High School IPS Teachers in Banjarmasin City.

This activity took place in the Laboratory Room of SMP Negeri 1 Banjarmasin. It was carried out on Friday (08/30/2024) together with the MGMP IPS of Banjarmasin City.

The series of activities at the event began with the opening and remarks by the Coordinator of MGMP IPS Banjarmasin City, Mr. Zainal Abidin. He wanted the IPS teachers to be able to utilize the socialized application technology to become a medium for IPS learning in their respective schools.

“This socialization activity can help Social Science teachers implement Social Science learning media in your schools but still adjust to school regulations that allow the use of smartphones during learning at school,” said Mr. Zainal Abidin.

Then, the activity continued with a presentation on the introduction and demonstration of the use of the application delivered by Mr. M. Ridha Ilhami, who was accompanied by Brother Yusup in delivering a simulation of the application of the learning media.

Information and communication technology development has opened up new opportunities in the world of education, especially in the development of learning media. Social Science subjects, closely related to social and cultural contexts, can significantly benefit from integrating local wisdom into technology-based learning media. Therefore, this socialization activity was held to introduce and encourage using Android applications as Social Science learning media based on local wisdom among Social Science teachers in Banjarmasin City.

“This socialization activity has several objectives, namely to introduce the concept of Social Science learning media based on local wisdom with Android applications, then to improve the understanding and skills of Social Science teachers in using Android applications for learning and encourage the integration of local wisdom in Social Science learning through the use of technology and improve the quality and effectiveness of Social Science learning in schools in Banjarmasin City,” said Mr. M. Ridha Ilhami.

The next session involves direct practice by activity participants using an Android application to learn media based on the local wisdom of thematic villages in Banjarmasin City.

Mrs. Yulie Wardinah, one of the activity participants, said, “This socialization activity introduces and encourages the use of Android applications as a local wisdom-based Social Science learning media. The participating teachers showed enthusiasm and commitment to implementing the knowledge and skills obtained in this socialization process.”

This activity is part of the Lecturer Community Service, which the Social Science Education Study Program routinely holds, FKIP UL, every year in partnership with the MGMP Social Science of Banjarmasin City.

Author: Siti Julia, Siti Rahmaniah

Documentation: Muhammad Aqiela Ramadhani, Muhammad Aufar Athala