Study Curriculum

Curriculum Documents

Bachelor’s Program in Social Science Education, Lambung Mangkurat University, Curriculum documents can be downloaded at the following this link

Semester 1

No Code Course Credits ECTS
1 AKBK3101 Basic Concepts of Social Sciences 2 3.2
2 AKWF2102 Development of Students 2 3.2
3 AULM1151 English: Basic 2 3.2
4 AULM1152 Indonesia Language 3 4.8
5 AKWF2101 Introduction to Education 2 3.2
6 AKBK3102 Introduction to Social Sciences 2 3.2
7 AULM1115 Introduction to Wetlands Environment 2 3.2
8 AULM1171 Pancasila 2 3.2
9 AULM1161 Religious Education 3 4.8

Semester 2

No Code Course Credits ECTS
1 AKBK3201 Anthropology and Social Sciences Education 2 3.2
2 AULM1272 Civics Education 2 3.2
3 AKBK3202 Economics and Social Sciences Education 2 3.2
4 AULM1252 English: Intermediate 2 3.2
5 AKBK3203 Geography and Social Sciences Education 2 3.2
6 AKBK3206 History and Social Sciences Education 2 3.2
7 AKBK3204 Political Science and Social Sciences Education 2 3.2
8 AKWF2204 Profession of Education 2 3.2
9 AKBK3205 Psychology and Social Sciences Education 2 3.2
10 AKBK3207 Sociology and Social Sciences Education 2 3.2
11 AKWF2203 Teaching and Learning 2 3.2

Semester 3

No Code Course Credits ECTS
1 AKBK3308 Environmental Education 2 3.2
2 AKBK3309 Individual Development and Identity 2 3.2
3 AKBK3301 Individuals, Groups and Institutions 2 3.2
4 AKBK3302 Journalism 2 3.2
5 AKBK3304 Logic 2 3.2
6 AKBK3305 People, Places, and Environment 2 3.2
7 AKBK3303 Power, Authority, and Governance 2 3.2
8 AKBK3310 Production, Distribution and Consumption 2 3.2
9 AKWF2305 School Administration Management 2 3.2
10 AKBK3311 Science, Technology, and Society 2 3.2
11 AKBK3312 Time, Continuity and Change 2 3.2
12 Elective Courses 2 3.2

Semester 4

No Code Course Credits ECTS
1 AKBK3401 Basic of Statistics 2 3.2
2 AKBK3402 Science Philosophy 2 3.2
3 AKBK3403 Studies of Textbook on Social Sciences 3 4.8
4 AKBK3404 Studies on Social Sciences Curriculum In Primary School 2 3.2
5 AKBK3405 Studies on Social Sciences Curriculum In Secondary School 2 3.2
6 AKBK3406 Local Wisdom and Etnopedagogy 2 3.2
7 AKBK3408 Tourism 2 3.2
8 AKBK3409 Planning of Social Sciences Learning 3 4.8
9 AKBK3410 Global Connections 2 3.2
10 AULM1451 Entrepreneurship 2 3.2
11 Elective Courses 2 3.2

Semester 5

No Code Course Credits ECTS
1 AKPP4505 Micro Teaching 2 3.2
2 AMPP5502 Qualitative Research 2 3.2
3 AMPP5503 Quantitative Research 2 3.2
4 AMPP5501 Research of Social Sciences 3 4.8
5 AKPP4504 Social Sciences Learning Evaluation 3 4.8
6 AKPP4502 Social Sciences Learning Media 3 4.8
7 AKPP4503 Social Sciences Learning Resources 2 3.2
8 AKPP4507 Social Sciences Learning Strategy 3 4.8
9 AKPP4501 Transdisciplinary and Cross Disciplinary Approach on Social Sciences Learning 2 3.2
10 Elective Courses 2 3.2

Semester 6

No Code Course Credits ECTS
1 AKBK3606 Field of Practice 2 3.2
2 AMPP5601 Guidance of Scientific Work 3 4.8
3 AKBK3603 Human Resource Management 2 3.2
4 AMPP5602 Proposal Seminar 2 3.2
5 AKPP4606 Teaching Practice at School 3 4.8
6 Elective Courses 6 9.6

Semester 7

No Code Course Credits ECTS
1 AKBK3705 History of Banjar 3 4.8
2 AKBK3703 Social Sciences Education and Character Education 2 3.2
3 AKBK3702 The Life of River Community 2 3.2

Semester 8

No Code Course Credits ECTS
1 AMPP5801 Thesis 6 9.6

Elective Courses

No Code Course Credits ECTS Semester
1 AKBK3306 Society and Culture of Indonesia* 2 3.2 3
2 AKBK3307 Multicultural Society* 2 3.2 3
3 AKBK3407 Society and Culture of Banjar* 2 3.2 4
4 AKBK3411 Literature of Banjar* 2 3.2 4
5 AKBK3501 Nationalism and National Identity* 2 3.2 5
6 AKBK3502 Development of Social Skills* 2 3.2 5
7 AKBK3601 E-Learning* 2 3.2 6
8 AKBK3602 The Innovation of Education* 2 3.2 6
9 AKBK3604 Education of Anti-Corruption* 2 3.2 6
10 AKBK3605 Development of Social Science Learning Laboratory* 2 3.2 6
11 AKBK3701 The Contemporary Issues* 2 3.2 7
12 AKBK3704 Social Transformation* 2 3.2 7