Vision, Mission, and Goals


“Become a centre for the development of ethnopedagogy-based Social Science Education studies in Southeast Asia in 2039”


  1. OrganizeUndergraduate level education uses an interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary approach based on ethnopedagogy as a development of social science education studies to improve skills in solving social problems at local, national and international levels.
  2. Carrying out research related to the development of ethnopedagogy-based Social Science Education studies.
  3. Conduct community service as a follow-up to the research and development results of Ethno pedagogy-based Social Science Education studies, which provide feedback on solving social problems at local, national, and international levels.
  4. Organize collaboration with various domestic and foreign agencies to develop study programs in education and learning, research, and community service.


  1. Producing social studies educators who can apply ethnopedagogical-based social science education studies to develop social studies learning strategies.
  2. Produce learning products that can introduce local potential to national and international levels.
  3. Produce ethnopedagogical-based Social Sciences Education research studies that can be published at local, national and international levels.
  4. A service program is a follow-up to the research results based on Social Science Education studies ethnopedagogy.
  5. Increasing and expanding the collaboration network with various related agencies in the context of developing the tri dharma of higher education


The targets and strategies for achieving the FKIP Social Sciences Education Study Program are prepared referring to the Strategic Plan (Renstra) for the 2022-2026 period. The milestones for the PIPS Study Program are seen as follows:


Aspect Target Achievement Time
2020 – 2024 2025 – 2039 2030 – 2034 2035-2039
Target Increasing the quality of graduates who are able to apply Ethnopedagogy-based Social Science Education studies


Increasing competitiveness in the tridharma of national level higher education in the study of ethnopedagogy-based Social Science Education in Indonesia


Increasing the competitiveness of higher education tridharma in the study of ethnopedagogy-based social science education in Southeast Asia Center for developing ethnopedagogy-based Social Science Education studies in Southeast Asia


General Strategy Increasing the qualifications of Social Sciences Education students through the application of knowledge mastered; apply knowledge (factual, conceptual and procedural) based on curiosity about knowledge, technology, art, culture related to phenomena in society Development of up to date learning study materials Strengthening the position of the research and community service network through participation in competitive grants from the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) Lambung Mangkurat University andMinistry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology Strengthening the roadmapstudyand community service with a focus on developing ethnopedagogical-based Social Science Education studies
Increasing the involvement of lecturers and students in research and community service at regional to national levels Increasing research results not only in the form of scientific work but also utilized by society at regional, national and international levels (Southeast Asia)
Planning and optimizing Human Resources to support the academic process as the foundation for achieving the vision and mission Stakeholder involvement in the study program development process in academic and non-academic activities Increasing the involvement of the Social Sciences Education Study Program in the tridharma activities of higher education in Southeast Asia Strengthening cooperation networks between institutions for the development of ethnopedagogy-based Social Science Education studies
Achievement Indicators Outcome-based curriculumbasedEducation(OBE) Increase in the number of textbooks with ISBN Increase in the amount of research and community service funded by institutions Monitoring evaluation of the implementation of research and service with a focus on studying the development of ethnopedagogy-based Social Science Education
Syllabus, Semester Learning Plan (RPS), Teaching Worksheets (LKM) available The focus of research and community service is on ethnopedagogy-based Social Science Education studies Increasing the quantity and quality of university tridharma collaboration activities in Southeast Asia Development of research products and community service that are used in learning
Demonstrate scientific honesty in student written work that is free of plagiarism Lecturers conduct research with regional scale collaboration networksnornational Increasing student involvement in academic and non-academic activities in Southeast Asia Increased lecturer involvement in higher education tridharma activities in Southeast Asia
Increasing student achievement in academic and non-academic activities at regional and national levels Community service work becomes a reference for developing the local potential of the Banjar community with a focus on wetland problems Lecturers dodisseminationthe results of research and community service in international journals or reputable international journals
Increasing the quantity and quality of study program and student affairs activities by involving related agencies Publications carried out through reputable indexed journals and/or proceedings